Saturday, February 21, 2015

Color Wheel and Value Scale

1. Creating the color wheel and value scale was interesting. It was easier than i thought.
2. I liked working with the paint the best. I don't mind painting and it can be enjoyable for me.
3. Different colors can have a direct effect on the way someone views a work of art as well as the way they feel.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Mod 3

1. The color that we actually perceive an object to be is based on the light the object absorbs or reflects.  We don't see things we see light. Color can have many different effects on emotion.  Usually light and subtle colors like light blue have a much more relaxed and laid back mood.  Harsh colors like red and black have a more dark or angry mood.  People alot of times associate colors directly with moods as well.  If someone says they are "blue" they mean they are sad.

2. The theoretical aspect of color that interests me the most is the effect colors can have on emotions.  Sometimes we may not even realize it but the colors we see around us can influence how we feel at that time.  When we view different works of art the artist can use color to influence the mood he/she wants us to experience while viewing the work.

3.Color can have such a huge role on the way people look at a certain work of art.  Very subtle changes can have a huge impact on the art work.  However it is one of the most useful tools for artists.

4.That certain colors can have a direct effect on the way you feel.

Saturday, February 14, 2015


     For the most part finding images that represent the different elements and principals was easy.  The elements were much easier than the principals the easiest being line,shape,value and texture.  Finding things to represent unity and emphasis were the most difficult for me.  Doing this project has helped better identify the different elements and principals.  Anything we look at has some type of element or principal.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Module 2

1. Aesthetics: Philosophy of the Arts- Most art is a representation of something.  They also talked alot about beauty in art and how it relates to aesthetics.

CARTA- Everyone views art in different ways.  A work of art I think is nice you might think is ugly.  There are many different influences as well that can effect how someone views art including culture.  The brain responds to art in different ways and things in art can help influence that as well.

CNN Article- This article talks about how our brain picks out certain things in art like faces or lines.  Artists create illusions in art that aren't actually but make it seem more real.  Our minds know right away whether a work of art is clear representation of everyday life.  There are many different tricks artists use a well to try and trick your brain into seeing certain things.

2. Plato 4th century B.C- he said that we see the perfect idea of what things are suppose to be.  He said all things are beautiful and what we consider beautiful are based on our senses.

3. Changeux- First he explained how art has changed and evolved over time and that many different symbols and elements have been added.  The way someone views a work of art an show alot about them.  The way they see and interpret something shows how they think and view different things.  The aesthetics of art have a huge influence on the way we can see a work.
Ramachandran- Art can stimulate different parts of the brain.  The way someone views a work of art relates to how they might think.  But it can also open up different ways of thinking in a way you might not normally think.

4. They all reference to the idea that the brain picks out certain things in art and how it influences how we may view a work of art. Also how it can show alot about us but at the same time open up new ideas and views.

5. I thought they were interesting because I never really thought about it on the level of how our brain functions and how it can influence us to see certain things.  It can also tell alot about us and it shows that no one is the same because we all think differently and there are many different ways one work of art can be viewed.